=== Auto Translator for WPML === Contributors: ProtocolNebula Donate link: https://paypal.me/RubenArroyoCeruelo Tags: wpml, translation, google, automatic, elementor Requires at least: 4.9 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPL2 Domain: wpmlat Auto translate your web using google translator and WPML.org plugin. == Description == === IMPORTANT === This version is under development. You can follow more information about it in the main [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/ProtocolNebula/auto-translator-for-wpml). WPML 4 will be released soon, so I will wait until final release will launched to change plugin version to stable. === About === **Main repository:** https://github.com/ProtocolNebula/auto-translator-for-wpml This plugin let you translate all content of your Wordpress using google translator. In the future is planned to add more services and configurations like bing. You need [WPML.org plugin](https://wpml.org/?aid=188550&affiliate_key=ZNyQ9dyyFFii&dr=wpmlat-referral) installed (which require a license to use). This plugin is currently is **compatible with WPML Translation Management**, so you can use it with Elementor and only translate strings (not the full page). == Installation == Upload the plugin to your blog (wp-content/plugins), activate it, configure it, enjoy. == Configure plugin == In Settings Option will be added new item called **WPMLAT", you can change parameters here as you wish. == Using the plugin Under **WPML** menu (you need WPML installed) you can choose "Do Auto Translation", in this page you can execute the auto translation process. == Changelog == v0.9 Initial release.